benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it. mobile:+8615845661821 skype:benzyrnill yahoo:benzradi icq:134279664 QQ: 570503557 盲言之芒岩 你在清贫中呆得太久了 你分不清月色的石子和清癯的星 眸子的星芒浮于薄霭 厌倦的兽眼阴雨里低低沉吼 |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
a night of peace and turbulence.
Monday, December 29, 2008
a fruitful Monday morning
- retouched logo of ;
- adding logo of forum onto the fourm's footer;
- post about my problem with blog export with, likely due to China surveillance blocking;
- post my problem with adding google friend connect to my GAE;
- post errs of exporting my feedburner feeds on its google group, which likely due to China surveillance;
- started to burn feeds from my GAE( google app engine), subscribed them within my google reader.
- post 2 blog entries, including this one, which just after lunch.
retouched logo of my domain,
my forum, rainform, at , or ,to the footer of the forum, to let it clearer.
now trying to add google friend connect to my forum and other appspot sites
of mine.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Friday, December 26, 2008
a logo for my forum newly setup, including google ads.
today likely really finished final retouch into the 2 web app for my google app engine, a forum (at or ) and a guestbook (at or ). the layout tested throughly and don't find err. added google ads under my adsense account this afternoon, by the way i designed a logo for my forum, rainform, which existed first time when i worked for my long time employer, qrrs, about 6 or 7 years ago. then i setup server on my pc and let it served colleagues within the corporate lan. now it finally open for the world, so nice !
the morning since monday, i didn't catch up all my awaiting reading feeds in my google reader. hope i don't miss anything important.
a logo for my forum newly setup, including googl
Thursday, December 25, 2008
finished my first 2 python apps deployment on go
customization of 2 python web apps i selected from google app engine
code base, or apps gallery. after two days restlessly wanting to see
the fruits of google engine, i this afternoon first see its beautiful
face, which really not bad. the day i almost all time sat in front of
the legend pc, till satisfied near work time over. then i busy with
uploading them to my google app engine accounts, after the office
member all left. i also made a simple redirecting page to redirect
quite some of my app engines page to my homepage, avoid the absence of
ready python app to fit in these app engines to enrich my site.
ok, that's it. i don't regret so many times i obsessed with my site's
building, tried all means to let it more meaningful. that's my
devotion for my vested kingdom coming from my ancestor.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
finished settlement of my first 2 google app engines.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
a busy day with google app engine&python web apps.
its so nice to build site with full control of ur own. i liked script even i uncapable of mastering the full scope of programming speciality. i sure my site with the aid of google day by day grows.
benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it. mobile:+8615845661821 skype:benzyrnill yahoo:benzradi icq:134279664 QQ: 570503557 盲言之芒岩 你在清贫中呆得太久了 你分不清月色的石子和清癯的星 眸子的星芒浮于薄霭 厌倦的兽眼阴雨里低低沉吼 |
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
close contact with google app engine first time
Monday, December 22, 2008
a busy weekends with lots of gaming and playing.
Friday, December 19, 2008
God bless us with a new snow, the 4th snow in Qiqihar, China
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
God shown me the way
knol till 10:20pm. on bed i again a bit sleeplessly. in the mud almost
unconsciously, when i focus reviewing my kid brother, God, my dad, u
again clearest show my ur way. u clearest shown me all the truth i
peeked, and incomparable conformed me i was the gifted, the chosen,
the Son. God, i know i don't miss anything i own, or i need, and don't
miss any holy message i want to know.
God, i now in a circumstance where most common people or evils don't
in belief, or even constantly profaned the spirit in me. i fight any
time and any way, i look forward to full integrate with u, in one
spirit, in the utmost determination. but, God, i don't complain, i
here just a process to experience the suffering and the business of my
ancestor with glory.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
dad, its ur best gift for me now, adsense account!
benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it. mobile:+8615845661821 skype:benzyrnill yahoo:benzradi icq:134279664 QQ: 570503557 盲言之芒岩 你在清贫中呆得太久了 你分不清月色的石子和清癯的星 眸子的星芒浮于薄霭 厌倦的兽眼阴雨里低低沉吼 |
dad, u left us exactly two years today
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
met again for my alumni links on
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
a day of trifle
biting all time, including within the whole building. i dozed in the
morning for about 2 hours, till the girl colleague interrupted me for
help fixing her problematic pc. last night baby&ema attempted seperate
me from enjoying family life, esp. my parentship. i also sensed ema in
need of me, while i wondering my beloved. in the dawn i dreamed of in
the camp of Bush, the leaving American President, and played with his
children, including his daughters and sons(?). we played in the
forest, and in his house with his wife received me. baby didn't join
his kindergarten all day, for he claiming he don't want to spread his
coldness to his classmates. i also let pc runing in the moring,
downloading and catalog vector clips i got yesterday. pc now much
stabler than before it was upgraded. in fact it now seldom hangs or
reboots irregularly. i enjoyed it quite much, even my baby now
deprived me most of time in front of it when i at home. he even
demands leaving his game open when he left. however what i owned is
meanable, comparing my peers, for example, today i saw one of my peer
in the company offering me salary driving a car, he is a deputy
dirctor of sale department, i surely should have more capable office
to make full use of my time as well as my life.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
boring weekends. timeless waiting for download t
past weekends. baby bored and asked his mother to take him to skate
ground about 300 meters near ema's house. i queued a lot to download
and the lagging speed bored me into sleep. waiting for download
finishing really frustrating, i even lost interests on other matters,
such as my sites building. this afternoon i managed having myself
haircut and showered. its not a bad journey, even in the past
sometimes it let me at guard in public bathroom. i bought baby some
food he likes, like candy and ice cream. and i decided to afford them
with my own purse, including personal cares like shower and haircut.
baby now sleeping, before i left to bathroom. he got haircut and
bathed at home. these weekends he started to learn skating. last night
his mother asked my opinion on if buying him a pair of skate shoes and
i rebuffed it. he likely didn't complain me.
its a bright day today. even i slept a lot indoor, i stil felt blessed
by the sunshine out of the window. my boardband likely heavily
deteriored by China surveillance, rendering usual download speed of
two digit kb, while quite some time ago i experienced 3 digit kb
speed. i gaveup 0day stuff for about a month, but some games'
trainer/patch i badly needed let me picked it again. p2p downloading
already deteriored, rendered it as nothing workable. i likes warez,
but i don't think it time to give up it.
that's my recent life. these days lots of pragmatic views flashed into
my mind. i know God leaving me more time to experience the reality
common people encounter. in faith or not, just a time sooner or later.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Friday, December 12, 2008
fine tuned family plaxo accounts
afternoon i launched fine tuning family plaxo accounts, including adding
sites' link, changing avatar/logo, detailed contact methods, shared groups
among family members, also created a new group, China Democracy at .all family plaxo account bundled with google
accounts, ie., with google account logon, plaxo accounts directly
accessible. that's the real charm of openid, oropen socail as google
suggested. i also added my family cyberspace presence in links spreadsheet,
benink, to my local bookmarks, i intended to make greater usage of the
spreadsheet at
, which is very powerful to list my web sites.
its a nice day, also very chill. baby still occupied pc most of the night.
ema recently wouldn't tutor students at home in free time, after last
weekend she was caputered by the administration stuff when she tutoring,
which banned by the administration. we will enjoy a peaceful weekends next
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
equipped my blogger blogs with google friends connection, claiming my google feedburner
google's feedburn service now, and google friend connection now available
public. both let me in wilder joice. then all the morning busy with adding
google friends connection to my blogger blogs. last week i had already added
friends connection onto my domain,, but this morning i got known
that it can be added to blog on easily, needn't to upload files
as requested if u adding to independent domain. after 12pm i lunched at
home. in the afternoon continued the 2 tasks. near the end of work time, i all my family's blogs on equipped with google
friend connection, let visitors easily adding comments, or even join the
site to make friend with us as the site owner. task of claiming my public
publishment feeds with google also smoothly, i almost added
all my family publish channels' rss to my family feedburner accounts. even i
yet clear how i can benefit from, but i m sure its a due
action, for feeds so handy and popular.
its late now, i had to leave pc to go to bed.
Monday, December 08, 2008
bright sunny morning after blizzard
last 3 day almost means hell for me
its a bright sunny morning
that's my message in history
QQ: 570503557
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
yes, its history, i chose.
Best regards,
benzyrnill, set to fly - do it, make it.
icq: 134279664
QQ: 570503557
Monday, December 01, 2008
refined ema's site logo. she also got her avatar
these day busy with designed family members' avatars. the photo-based avatar first requested by icq, with which i reclaimed some weeks ago. then i designed avatars for warren&myself. i quite contented with the results. yesterday ema shot some photos in her school activities, in which herself also got 3 profile photos, which suitable to make a avatar. so i launched this morning and after more than 2 hours i got what i felt satisfied. the backbone software is titled realdraw, its powerful function let designing logo a u can find our family member's avatar everywhere on the web, that's us.i also retouched ema's site logo, emagarten, at ,its design years old, in the period when ema want to build her site for her multimedia courseware, or any course teaching demonstration at that time popular in her school, and long time i felt need to refine it. now that i refined my site for my grand father, faezrland, this time i paid due attension to repolish ema's logo. ema now seldom interested in e-teaching, her school turned foolishly focus on cramming and scoring higher in exam. whole China undergraduation education deteriored to a rat race, which forever decreases the level of China education.ok, now see my works for ema's cyber presence.ema's avatar:ema's site, emagarten's logo, version 2: