Friday, April 17, 2009
first gloomy morning, stayed with baby since noon.blessed with a drizzle in afternoon.
first gloomy morning, stayed with baby since noo
kindergarten went bankrupt. i can't trust baby's health to the demon woman,
so i constantly in anxiousness when i in office. 2 beginning days started
with *bright sunshine*, then gradually turned into pale and weak afternoon,
twice drove me heading home just after lunch in office. each time i saw the
devil challenged me silently. i don't know how to rid baby off the dirty,
but i think my presence at home can enhance baby's strength against evils
the demon can exert. today its from the start a gloomy day, cloudy since the
morning. i dozed a lot in office, to be exact, almost the full morning. baby
recently also slept a lot, mostly from 12 to 4pm when the demon grandma
slept aside him in bedroom, unlike usually only an hour after lunch. in
office i dreamed of chasing an a bit fat girl, and won her against 2 of her
admirers. when i woke up, the weak sunshine alarms my cares about baby in
the arms of the grandma, i tried to read awhile, then let it go and left the
office to home. baby seemingly OK, and we soon gaming on pc. his mother had
arranged to check his health in hospital to assure the privilege to join his
new kindergarten, which previously a affiliate unit of the company i once
worked for, just minutes walks from my office. baby this afternoon woke up
earlier and soon picked his favorite game on my notebook, while i attending
downloading recently speedy, at same time skimmed some ebook. the
anxiousness left me after i saw my baby, but a drizzle started after lunch
really blessed me a lot. i love rain and drizzle so much, it recall my life
memory of solitary and silence in hand with the nature, when i grew in my
hometown in central China.
Ok, its a happy story about my concerns. i hope *my dear in Japan* can see
my obligation to *the Sun* and the God of rain. i live in *the shine
of God* and
forever in his adoration. i look into every opportunity to unite with u in
the same perfume of our bodies closely attached.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
bright morning sunshine after gloomy and snow-raining day of yesterday
bright morning sunshine after gloomy and snow-ra
office. i busy with correcting links on my blogger blogs, after dozed
enough, via colleague's Internet access when he absent. when it turned
windier and colder, i left office to home to assure baby's free of the evil
grandma who custody him these days, for baby's kindergarten in the process
of bankrupt and its fate uncertain till 15th this month. baby slept all the
afternoon since i arrived home. after the grandma left, it turns into
sunshine again. baby played pc games all the night since woke up. his mom
also glad when she join us from her school.
my once work place and still offers my salary from my kingdom, QRRS, now
suffering insufficient orders, and had to arranged its employees into
rotating vacation. i was arranged to rest since 27th of this month till May
4th. the length of time yet suffices me *a hometown tour*, nor the budget i
now have does. but i still look forward opportunity of a hometown staying.
nothing can be compared with the brilliant and auspicious face of the sun.
this morning i was so encouraged to see its OK for all i concerned. i know *my
baby*, and *my beloved girls*, *my fiancees*, just righteous in growth and
in divinity. i see his glory of God never more splendid.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
mostly bright days, trust more concerns on baby to God
family dine out.
baby in gaze.
its a busy week. i totally immersed in the biography of warren baffett, the investment God in US. baby stayed mostly at home, under the custody of the devil grandma, for his kindergarten went bankrupt. every afternoon i felt i had to return home earlier to rid baby off dirt from the demon. i stayed mostly at noon in office, enjoying the subscribed ready food, which quite more delicious than that ema cooked. ema sometimes also stayed in her school, left baby in the control of the grandma, which left me quite unease. and 2 afternoon when i got home i found baby absent while the grandma's bike left on the ground. later ema said the grandma brought baby out. the first day of the working week the devil even brought baby to her own house, just after i broken her conspire in the last working week of trying to sleep with baby, and after the last weekends when ema told me her mother felt ill. she surely ill and from the beginning of her dirty life. dust to earth, evil to void.
this weekends i dozed a lot, to escape missing of my beloved. in fact yesterday i almost slept all day. till dinner i got active. i just dozed when i felt boring, with endless and hopeless missing my girls. this afternoon i finished reading to warren baffett's biography, there r quite wise in it. i link all heros to God's setting.
its a bright day today, even i seldom left bed and nor shoot photos. the mosting exciting season, the summer, is coming. i will see more messages from my fiancees.
dogs in China surveillance heavily hacking my pc, as long as it connected to Internet. i restored from backup several times, each time ran healthily hours, then lots of errs when ran programs, esp. the media player, downloader, favorite games, and browsers, including ie, firefox, chrome, etc. they also heavily blocking sites i frequent, let any operation online pains of lagged responses, and waiting and frustrations.
Internet in office totally down for me. i know dog barking closer. but all in end, its a dirty play of their own.
weak sunshine averagely, more trustful to God fo
investment God in US. baby stayed mostly at home, under the custody of the
devil grandma, for his kindergarten went bankrupt. every afternoon i felt i
had to return home earlier to rid baby off dirt from the demon. i stayed
mostly at noon in office, enjoying the subscribed ready food, which quite
more delicious than that ema cooked. ema sometimes also stayed in her
school, left baby in the control of the grandma, which left me quite unease.
and 2 afternoon when i got home i found baby absent while the grandma's bike
left on the ground. later ema said the grandma brought baby out. the first
day of the working week the devil even brought baby to her own house, just
after i broken her conspire in the last working week of trying to sleep with
baby, and after the last weekends when ema told me her mother felt ill. she
surely ill and from the beginning of her dirty life. dust to earth, evil to
this weekends i dozed a lot, to escape missing of my beloved. in fact
yesterday i almost slept all day. till dinner i got active. i just dozed
when i felt boring, with endless and hopeless missing my girls. this
afternoon i finished reading to warren baffett's biography, there r quite
wise in it. i link all heros to God's setting.
its a bright day today, even i seldom left bed and nor shoot photos. the
mosting exciting season, the summer, is coming. i will see more messages
from my fiancees.
dogs in China surveillance heavily hacking my pc, as long as it connected to
Internet. i restored from backup several times, each time ran healthily
hours, then lots of errs when ran programs, esp. the media player,
downloader, favorite games, and browsers, including ie, firefox, chrome,
etc. they also heavily blocking sites i frequent, let any operation online
pains of lagged responses, and waiting and frustrations.
Internet in office totally down for me. i know dog barking closer. but all
in end, its a dirty play of their own.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
bright days, tour Longsha park on a day after lu
praying dad and baby son
baby and his mom in hill towner.
these days r quite some bright days. also quite some colleagues tried to
contact me, likely some good news on me attacked greedy eyes. i more or less
still in urgency to search for my beloved, to rid my longing for change, and
revitalized my life with oil and water or stream. today is the second day of
vacation lunar Qingming Day, the first year with such a national holiday.
yesterday i dozed a lot to avoid missing and rampant message about my
concerns. this morning i again want to sleep to dream of my beloved, but
baby son disagreed. his mother joined her school in morning. he can't find
funs alone in pc games. i played awhile with him after he cried for being
alone. devils around let he and me encountered barrage when we worked
together. that's common these days, quite some occasions i was under anxious
about baby's future character or personality, and his position in my Royal,
with my other sons and daughters, baby's sisters and brothers, arriving.
spying eyes turning thick since my Royal's growth.
soon baby's mother returned. she rushed to put on baby to join her girl
friend, a fat woman in family name of Guan ( means in English gate, or cadre
with the same Chinese syllabus), i asked to join but ema doubted if i will
be a barrage. but baby son insisted my companion. i found they gathered in
Longsha park, the biggest garden in Qiqihar. we took photos. baby rode on
puppy elephant. we saw animals in its zoo. then we dined nearby. we r the
first arrived the restaurant and ordered first. but an later arrived group
took a seat near us took first dish and many other dishes they ordered, let
us waiting and in want. they r likely dogs in revenge, but also can be the
hatred family members, who at a lose upon my pride and glory when bride
their sisters, of my beloved. baby was unease with them and squadded in
meals for many times. when we left, 3 girl also departing from a nearby
restaurant. the guan soon left us to take her way and at once we felt
baby slept just after we left the bus. he slept on my shoulders when we went
home. its a bright day so far. i sorted photos then also dozed. when i woke
up, it turned gloomy. i know conspires against my Royal turns thick and
haste. yesterday baby's kindergarten broke down. we had to find baby another
kindergarten. but all after all, God seeing. He seeing and killing. that's
rule the devils hated.
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Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.
bright days, tour Longsha park on a day after lunar Qingming Day
praying dad and baby son
baby and his mom in hill towner.
these days r quite some bright days. also quite some colleagues tried to contact me, likely some good news on me attacked greedy eyes. i more or less still in urgency to search for my beloved, to rid my longing for change, and revitalized my life with oil and water or stream. today is the second day of vacation lunar Qingming Day, the first year with such a national holiday. yesterday i dozed a lot to avoid missing and rampant message about my concerns. this morning i again want to sleep to dream of my beloved, but baby son disagreed. his mother joined her school in morning. he can't find funs alone in pc games. i played awhile with him after he cried for being alone. devils around let he and me encountered barrage when we worked together. that's common these days, quite some occasions i was under anxious about baby's future character or personality, and his position in my Royal, with my other sons and daughters, baby's sisters and brothers, arriving. spying eyes turning thick since my Royal's growth.
soon baby's mother returned. she rushed to put on baby to join her girl friend, a fat woman in family name of Guan ( means in English gate, or cadre with the same Chinese syllabus), i asked to join but ema doubted if i will be a barrage. but baby son insisted my companion. i found they gathered in Longsha park, the biggest garden in Qiqihar. we took photos. baby rode on puppy elephant. we saw animals in its zoo. then we dined nearby. we r the first arrived the restaurant and ordered first. but an later arrived group took a seat near us took first dish and many other dishes they ordered, let us waiting and in want. they r likely dogs in revenge, but also can be the hatred family members, who at a lose upon my pride and glory when bride their sisters, of my beloved. baby was unease with them and squadded in meals for many times. when we left, 3 girl also departing from a nearby restaurant. the guan soon left us to take her way and at once we felt better.
baby slept just after we left the bus. he slept on my shoulders when we went home. its a bright day so far. i sorted photos then also dozed. when i woke up, it turned gloomy. i know conspires against my Royal turns thick and haste. yesterday baby's kindergarten broke down. we had to find baby another kindergarten. but all after all, God seeing. He seeing and killing. that's rule the devils hated.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
bright days, longing for hometown
baby backview.
baby asked his mom to carry him.
these days all bright days. i felt most blessed by the Heaven. however, the lingering evil, the grandma, made cause of baby's cold, staying with baby at her daughter's home, left me restlessly. 2 days i in office felt urgent to return home to secure baby's health and found baby in deed under poisonous atmosphere brought by the grandma. today ema borrowed my notebook for her courseware. i lingered at home in the beginning of the morning against the grandma, who can lingered in the house and delaying baby joining his kindergarten, where i felt safer for baby for my beloved there caring baby now. after ema returned from her school to send baby to the kindergarten, i arrived my office. the devil in office still challenging me. i idled some time and even chatted with a pal in the male crowded office nearby. quite some of them gay oriented. i reviewed my love and my situation when i roamed in my office. then i got holy message that i should execute my schedule of future right now, ie. returned my hometown and enjoyed peace and leisure there right now. i at once heading to emakingir's house. the grandma returned and slept with baby in a quilt, even baby sweeping. the old ghost in cold well tried all means to closer to baby these days. i at once brought baby up and soon baby picked pc game, while the devil soon slept on the bed. i then brought baby outside to avoid the dirt in house. the sunshine all time bright today. i babbled a lot to baby about the demons in his mother's family, and discussed with baby if i can returned my hometown in the aim to reunite with my beloved, ie. Masheng youjizi, my second wife, my Queen in crown, with whom i will have at least 3 sons in her brilliant wits and brave, calm and firm, my most known and been known, and my Taiwan fiancee, the youngest girl in my Royal now, with whom i never lack passion and energy, and the zhou, the one who follows me the best. i got the message from sunshine and wind. but baby, warren zhu, God and hope of China, refused my request several times. finally we got our decision from the result of our bet of rock-paper-scissors.
today is my lucky day, for i decided to visit my hometown the sooner the better. i enjoyed my life on my home land and my passed dad right this moment and ditched of waiting and endure. Masheng and Taiwan girl from now on can arrange my house there. i should see it in one or 2 years.
bright days, longing for hometown
lingering evil, the grandma, made cause of baby's cold, staying with baby at
her daughter's home, left me restlessly. 2 days i in office felt urgent to
return home to secure baby's health and found baby in deed under poisonous
atmosphere brought by the grandma. today ema borrowed my notebook for her
courseware. i lingered at home in the beginning of the morning against the
grandma, who can lingered in the house and delaying baby joining his
kindergarten, where i felt safer for baby for my beloved there caring baby
now. after ema returned from her school to send baby to the kindergarten, i
arrived my office. the devil in office still challenging me. i idled some
time and even chatted with a pal in the male crowded office nearby. quite
some of them gay oriented. i reviewed my love and my situation when i roamed
in my office. then i got holy message that i should execute my schedule of
future right now, ie. returned my hometown and enjoyed peace and leisure
there right now. i at once heading to emakingir's house. the grandma
returned and slept with baby in a quilt, even baby sweeping. the old ghost
in cold well tried all means to closer to baby these days. i at once brought
baby up and soon baby picked pc game, while the devil soon slept on the bed.
i then brought baby outside to avoid the dirt in house. the sunshine all
time bright today. i babbled a lot to baby about the demons in his mother's
family, and discussed with baby if i can returned my hometown in the aim to
reunite with my beloved, ie. Masheng youjizi, my second wife, my Queen in
crown, with whom i will have at least 3 sons in her brilliant wits and
brave, calm and firm, my most known and been known, and my Taiwan fiancee,
the youngest girl in my Royal now, with whom i never lack passion and
energy, and the zhou, the one who follows me the best. i got the message
from sunshine and wind. but baby, warren zhu, God and hope of China, refused
my request several times. finally we got our decision from the result of our
bet of rock-paper-scissors.
today is my lucky day, for i decided to visit my hometown the sooner the
better. i enjoyed my life on my home land and my passed dad right this
moment and ditched of waiting and endure. Masheng and Taiwan girl from now
on can arrange my house there. i should see it in one or 2 years.
its so nice a day today! boarder view of my future time got clearer now. i
never afford missing any time with my beloved under one roof.
Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterli.